Online Training

We prefer to keep the numbers small in order to encourage participation and involvement of delegates. Over the years we have realised how critical and beneficial it is for delegates to interact and share their own experiences, challenges and solutions to their problem at work with regards to the topics we cover in our training. See our gallery for more details.

Our Online Training is presented over the course of one to three days and include:

Day 1: Strategic HR Metrics
Day 2: Analytics for HR Professionals

Cost: R2999 per day

Online Training

27 May – Strategic HR Metrics

28  May – Analytics for HR Professionals

Strategic HR Metrics

Who should attend?OverviewLearning OutcomesWho should attend? Anyone interested in preparing for the role of a HR metrics specialist, HR Reporting manager or any role similar to these; If you are in charge of HR Reporting & Metrics and want to set up a new set of relevant and standardised HR metrics; If you are an [...]

Analytics for HR Professionals

Who should attend?OverviewLearning OutcomesWho should attend? Anyone interested in preparing for the role of an HR Analyst Leader / HR Analytics Consultant. If you are a data savvy HR professional and want to make your organisation more data driven. If you are committed newcomer starting from scratch and ready to set up an HR Analytics [...]

One On One Training

Learning OutcomesLearning Outcomes 1) Introduction to Metrics 2) HR Metrics & Formulas 3) Applying HR Metrics in the workplace 4) Linking your strategy & HR Metrics 5) HR Value Chain 6) How to measure in HR 7) Creating an HR scorecard 8) HR Performance matrix 9) HR metrics exercise (assignment) 10) Analytics VS BI 11) [...]

Are you measuring your value add currently?

We train you how

Do you have a Performance matrix for your HR Department?

We train you how

What is the ROI of your HR initiatives?

We train you how to calculate it

Do you know which analytical methodology to use for your analytics project?

We train you how to choose the best method to get the best results

How productive is your workforce?

With the metrics and the formulas we teach you, you will know the answer

Use our "Data to decisions" framework / methodology

To conduct HR Analytics projects with financial impact on your business

What is your HR value chain and how are you linking it to the strategy of your business?

We show you how

Is your organisation struggling with attrition?

We show you how to identify the problem areas in the business and how to deal with it

How much is absenteeism costing your organisation?

In our training we teach you how to quantify this in financial terms

Are your training initiatives yielding the intended results?

Through correlation analysis we teach you, you will have the answer

How do you know which HR initiative to embark on between two options?

Through A/B Testing methodology we teach you, you will know

Make the most of your data to make solid business decisions

On what will show financial value to your stakeholders